Leaves paripinnate, shortly petiolate or sub-sessile; leaflets 2–5-jugate, lowest pair often resembling stipules.
Fruit capsular, 3-gonous, 3-locular, loculicidally dehiscent, valves lanuginous at the base within.
Ovary 3-locular, densely hairy, loculi 1-ovulate; pistillode subglobose in the male flowers.
Inflorescence a terminal or axillary paniculate or racemoid thyrse.
Flowers spuriously polygamous, often monoecious, actinomorphic.
Seeds 1 per loculus, ellipsoid, with an arillode at the base.
Disk patelliform or collar-like with a free scarious margin.
Petals 5, each with a short broad pilose or pubescent scale.
Stamens 8; staminodes shorter in the female flowers.
Large or small trees or shrubs.
Sepals 5, almost free.