Perennial herb up to 250 mm tall. Stems ascending to erect, branching near the base, densely clothed in golden-brown hairs. Leaves trifoliolate, 40-50 x 25-30(-35) mm, broadly elliptic but becoming narrower and longer towards the ends of branches, lower leaves often obovate; apex acute, base cuneate, appressed pilose above, densely woolly below with yellow appressed hairs massed along the veins, glandular; lateral leaflets smaller, gibbous. Stipules 11-16(-20) mm long, falcate-lanceolate, free, clasping the stem, sparingly appressed pubescent with long hairs interspersed from the centre thickening towards the apex. Petioles shorter than 5 mm. Racemes axillary, (40-)60-90(-140) mm long, exceeding the leaves; peduncles 40-55 mm long, densely racemose beyond the middle and bearing 20-30 flowers. Flowers 8-10 mm long, pale red or orange, rarely yellowish; bracts persistent, equal to or exceeding the flower. Calyx 6 mm long, lobes equal; teeth narrowly lanceolate, equal to the tube, keel tooth almost acicular, slightly longer than the vexillar and lateral teeth; covered in 3 mm long yellowish brown hairs and a few scattered glands. Standard 10 x 5-7 mm, narrowly to broadly obovate, subtended by a 3 mm long claw, auriculate; appendages present, situated 4 mm from the base of the claw but above the auricles and free of them. Wing petals 9-10 mm long, 2, 5-3, 0 mm wide, cultrate, strongly auriculate, upcurving, longer than the keel. Keel petals 8 mm long, up to 3.5-4.0 mm wide, covered in yellow glands, distinctly pocketed. Staminal sheath 7-9 mm long, free stamen geniculate. Pistil 8 mm long; ovary 3 mm long, subsessile, densely hairy at least until halfway to the point of flexure of the style; height of curvature 2.5 mm; stigma capitate. Nectary present, margin erose. Fruit 11-12 x 7-8 mm, glandular, covered in reddish shaggy hairs. Seeds 5 x 3 mm, black, oblong. According to herbarium labels this species flowers between October and November, but also occasionally in December and January.
Differs from E. squarrosum by long and persistent flower bracts. Perennial herb, up to 0.25 m high; stems ascending to erect, branching near base, stems shortly gold-coloured appressed-hairy. Leaflets 40-50 mm long, widely elliptic becoming narrower towards ends of branches, apex acute, upper surface appressed-pilose, veins hirsute, lower surface canescent-puberulent. Flowers 8-10 mm long, red to pink-orange. Calyx 6 mm long, golden-pilose; lobes narrowly lanceolate. Petals: wings longer than keel; keel covered in yellow glands, distinctly pocketed. Flowering time Oct., Nov.(-Jan.). Pod covered in gold-coloured shaggy hairs. Seeds black.