Suffrutex up to 400 mm high. Stems 4-10, branched from the base, finely appressed white pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate; upper leaflet 60-70 x 30-33 mm, ovate to narrowly ovate; laterals somewhat gibbous, 45-50 x 21-25 mm; finely grey woolly beneath, finely sericeous, greyish green above; rhachis channelled. Stipules 12 x 4 mm, free, senescing before leaves expand. Petioles 3-4 mm long. Racemes axillary, up to 67-flowered, exceeding leaves, 55-60 mm long. Flowers 14 mm long, yellow; bracts 5 x 2 mm, boat-shaped. Calyx 7-8 mm long, lobes equal; teeth 3-4 mm long, shorter than the tube, finely covered in grey hairs and minute yellow glands. Standard 14 x 9 mm, obovate, emarginate; claw 3 mm long; auricles present 4 mm apart; back of standard finely pubescent and densely covered in minute yellow glands; appendages present, fused, hooded, extending to auricles. Wing petals 13 mm long, up to 3 mm wide, slightly longer than the keel blades, basal part held horizontally, but other edges drooping. Keel petals 12.5-13.0 mm long, up to 7 mm wide, densely covered in yellow glands. Staminal sheath 11 mm long, tenth stamen free. Pistil 11 mm long; ovary 4 mm long; height of curvature 4 mm, style thickened at point of flexure. Nectary present, margin erose. Fruit 15 x 11 mm, beak 2 mm wide; chestnut-brown covered in soft 2 mm long, red-brown hairs. Seeds unknown.
Suffrutex or dwarf shrub, up to 0.4 m high; stems 4-10, erect, branched from base, finely appressed silver pubescent. Leaflets 30-70 mm long, elliptic to obovate, apex acuminate; upper surface sericeous, dark green; lower surface finely white to silver-woolly. Flowers up to 14 mm long. Calyx 7-8 mm long; lobes shorter than tube, densely silver-sericeous. Petals: standard maroon with dark veining; wings yellow slightly exceeding keel; keel densely covered in yellow glands. Flowering time Aug.-Oct. Pod covered in soft tawny hairs.