Perennial herb, erect, 20-60 cm tall, spring flowering. Stems 1-15, clothed in short white hairs with longer hairs interspersed. Rootstock with long stylopodium, thin and beaded when young but becoming wavy or constricted but carrot-like when mature. Leaves 3-foliolate, rarely the lowest leaves 1-foliolate (then mostly obovate), 4.5-6.0 cm long, 2.0-3.0 cm wide, laterals smaller and asymmetrical, elliptic to narrowly obovate, apex subacute, base cuneate, sparsely pubescent above, densely woolly below with veins prominent due to dense covering of longer appressed hairs, glandular, margins revolute. Stipules 8-14 mm long, free. Racemes axillary, (8-)25-35 flowered in congested pseudo-spikes, overtopping the subtending leaves. Flowers 6-7 mm long, up to 3 mm wide, orange with red veins or yellow-orange; bracts 6 mm long, rapidly caducous. Calyx teeth equal, triangular, ± equal to calyx tube. Standard 6-7 mm long, obovate, appendage present, fused, extending across top of the claw from auricle to auricle, back hairy and glandular. Keel petals shorter than wing petals. Gynoecium densely hairy. Fruits 10-12 mm long, 8 mm wide, softly sericeous. Seeds grey or light brown, with speckles or blotches.