Euphorbia cyathophora Murray

Fire on the mountain (en), Euphorbe (fr)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae > Euphorbia


Herbs, annual, with spreading taproots. Stems erect or ascending, 20–100 cm, glabrous, sparsely pilose, or puberulent; branches ± straight. Leaves usually alternate, occasionally opposite proximally; petiole 2–20 mm, glabrous or pilose, or often hispid abaxially near blade junction; blade linear, lanceolate, elliptic, or wider leaves pandurate and unequally 4-lobed, occasionally polymorphic on single plants, 15–250 × 4–40 mm, base acute to cuneate, margins subulately glandular-serrulate distally, or sparsely glandular and subentire, hirtellous to glabrate, flat to revolute, apex acute to cuneate, abaxial surface sparsely pilose or glabrate, adaxial surface glabrous or sparsely puberulent; venation pinnate, midvein prominent. Cyathial arrangement: terminal pleiochasial branches (1–)3, 1–2-branched; pleiochasial bracts 2–3(–4), often as tight, involucrate whorl, usually green with white, pink, or red at base, occasionally distal bracts wholly white, pink, or red, rarely all bracts wholly green, similar in shape and size to distal leaves; dichasial bracts often colored, similar in shape and size to distal stem leaves or highly reduced. Cyathia: peduncle 1.6–2.8 mm. Involucre campanulate, occasionally broadly so, 1.8–2.8 × 2.2–2.8 mm, glabrous; involucral lobes triangularly 3–5 lobed; gland 1, yellow-green, sessile to substipitate and narrowly to broadly attached, 1–1.4 × 0.9–1.6 mm, opening oblong (flattened without pressing), without annular rim, glabrous; appendages absent. Staminate flowers 7–20. Pistillate flowers: ovary glabrous; styles 1.6 mm, 2-fid nearly entire length. Capsules green, depressed-globose to ellipsoid, 2.8–3.2 × 4–4.5 mm, 3-lobed, glabrous; columella 2–2.7 mm. Seeds black to ashy gray or light brown, cylindric to ovoid, rounded in cross section, 2.3–3.1 × 1.9–2.5 mm, uniformly tuberculate or tubercles arranged in median, transverse ridge in cylindric seeds; caruncle absent. 2n = 28, 56.
Erect shrubby annual herb to 1 m. high, with glabrous stems and branches.. Leaves ovate to markedly panduriform, to 10 × 5 cm., base cuneate, apex obtuse, margin shallowly toothed, upper surface glabrous, lower surface pilose with curved septate hairs, glabrescent; petiole to 1.5 cm. long, pilose; glandular stipules brownish.. Cyathia densely clustered in terminal cymes, forking ± 4 times, with progressively shorter rays from ± 5 cm. to 2 mm. long; basal bracts similar to the leaves with a bright red blotch at the base, the upper ones progressively smaller, more lanceolate, sub-sessile and entirely red.. Cyathia glabrous, ± 3.5 × 3 mm., with barrel-shaped involucres; gland peltate, funnel-shaped, 1.5 mm. long, the opening transversely elliptical, 2 mm. wide; involucral lobes rounded, 1.5 × 1.5 mm., margin deeply lobed.. Male flowers: bracteoles ligulate, apices feathery; stamens 4 mm. long.. Female flower: ovary pedicellate, glabrous; styles 2 mm. long, bifid almost to the base.. Capsule exserted on a reflexed pedicel to 5.5 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed, 4 × 5 mm.. Seeds ovoid-conical, with acute apex, 2.8 × 2.2 mm., blackish brown, surface sharply tuberculate.
Herbs, annual, shrubby, erect to 1 m tall. Stems glabrous, hollow. Leaves alternate; stipules brownish glands; petiole to 1.5 cm, pilose; leaf blade lanceolate in outline, violin-shaped, to 10 × 5 cm, abaxially sparsely pilose, glabrescent, adaxially glabrous, base cuneate, margin shallowly and irregularly toothed, apex obtuse. Inflorescence a terminal cyme forking ca. 4 times, cyathia densely clustered; basal bracts similar to leaves but with a bright orange-red blotch at base, upper bracts progressively smaller, more lanceolate, subsessile, entirely red. Cyathia ca. 3.5 × 3 mm; involucre barrel-shaped, glabrous, lobes ca. 1.5 × 1.5 mm, rounded, margin deeply and bluntly toothed; glands 1(or 2), funnel-shaped, opening transversely elliptic, ca. 2 mm wide. Male flowers: bracteoles ligulate, feathery; stamens ca. 4 mm. Female flower: ovary pedicellate, glabrous; styles ca. 2 mm, bifid almost to base. Fruiting pedicel reflexed to 5.5 mm; capsule deeply 3-lobed, ca. 4 × 5 mm. Seeds ovoid-conical, ca. 2.8 × 2.2 mm, apex acute; seed coat sharply warty, blackish brown. Fl. and fr. May-Nov. 2n = ?56.
Erect annual, to 1 m, usually branched, glabrous or nearly so (or the lvs seldom sparsely pilose beneath); lvs mainly or all alternate (or the uppermost opposite), variable, even on the same plant, from linear to broadly oblong or ovate or pandurate, entire or serrate to lobed, the upper mostly lobed and blotched with red or white at base; involucral gland solitary, bilabiate, cupulate, usually wider than high; fr smooth, 6–8 mm thick; seeds tuberculate, 3–3.5 mm, without a caruncle; 2n=28, 56. Moist soil, often in shade; trop. Amer. and s. U.S., cult. and escaped n. to Va., Wis., and Minn. Summer. (E. heterophylla and Poinsettia h., misapplied; Poinsettia c.)
Leaves with a petiole to 1.5 cm long, pilose; stipules modified as brownish glands; lamina to 10 × 5 cm, markedly panduriform, obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base, shallowly and irregularly toothed at the margin, glabrous on upper surface, sparsely pilose with septate hairs on lower surface, glabrescent.
Cyathia c. 3.5 × 3 mm with barrel-shaped involucres, glabrous; gland peltate, 1.5 mm long, funnel-shaped, the opening transversely elliptic, 2 mm wide; lobes 1.5 × 1.5 mm, rounded, margin deeply and bluntly toothed.
Annual herb, up to 1 m high. Leaves ovate to linear or sometimes fiddle-shaped, entire or toothed, upper leaves and bracts red or red-based. Floral bracts pan-duriform, with red blotch at base. Flowers green.
Annual herb, up to 500 mm tall, pilose with long spreading hairs. Leaves reflexed, linear-lanceolate to ovate, subentire to markedly serrate. Styles erect, up to 2.5 mm long. Flowers reddish brown.
Basal bracts similar to the leaves but with a bright orange-red blotch at the base, the upper bracts progressively smaller, more lanceolate, subsessile and entirely red.
Cymes terminal, each forking c. 4 times, with rays progressively shorter from 5 cm to 2 mm long and cyathia densely clustered.
Seeds 2.8 × 2.2 mm, ovoid-conical with acute apex and warts sharply pointed, blackish-brown.
Female flower: ovary pedicellate, glabrous; styles 2 mm long, bifid almost to the base.
Capsule exserted on a reflexed pedicel to 5.5 mm long, 4 × 5 mm, deeply 3-lobed.
Shrubby annual herb, erect to 1 m high, with hollow glabrous stems and branches.
Male flowers: bracteoles ligulate, feathery; stamens 4 mm long.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 2.0
Mature height (meter) 1.0
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light 6-8
Soil humidity 2-7
Soil texture 4-5
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-12


Uses medicinal ornamental
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 9 - 15
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 24
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Euphorbia cyathophora unspecified picture


Euphorbia cyathophora world distribution map, present in Australia, Brazil, China, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Thailand, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000961612
BDTFX ID 166362
INPN ID 445627
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Euphorbia cyathophora Euphorbia pandurifolia Euphorbia graminifolia Poinsettia cyathophora