Euphorbia depauperata Hochst. ex A.Rich.

Euphorbe de Coste (fr)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae > Euphorbia


Perennial herb, with a thick woody rootstock producing numerous simple or sparsely branched annual stems, erect or spreading and ± decumbent, 30–100(–150) cm. long, glabrous or pilose with long spreading hairs.. Leaves subsessile, linear-lanceolate, or ovate on short flowering stems (10–15 cm. high) produced after burning and often tinged with red, to 4(–5) × 1(–1.5) cm., base abruptly cuneate to rounded, apex shortly apiculate, margin narrowly cartilaginous, sometimes ± revolute, and often minutely toothed, glabrous or with some long spreading hairs on the lower surface especially along the midrib, rarely with a few on the upper surface; petiole to 1 mm. long, flattened, with a short tuft of hairs in the axil.. Cymes axillary and in (3-)5(–6)-branched umbels around a terminal ♂ cyathium, with primary rays to 7 cm. long, forking ± 3 times; bracts sessile, deltoid to subcircular, ± 1.5 × 1.5 cm., longer below the umbel, apex acute to rounded, base with a tuft of hairs on the upper surface and sometimes a few hairs on the lower surface.. Cyathia sessile, glabrous, or pilose with spreading hairs, sometimes sparsely so, ± 3.5 × 4.5 mm., with broadly cup-shaped involucres; glands 4–6, spreading, circular to transversely oblong, 1.5–3 mm. broad, yellow; lobes rounded, 1 mm. long, densely ciliate on the inner surface.. Male flowers: bracteoles fan-shaped, densely ciliate; stamens 4.5 mm. long.. Female flower: ovary tuberculate, usually densely so, glabrous or pilose; styles 3 mm. long, joined to nearly halfway, erect, spreading, bifid for 1/3.. Capsule exserted on a pedicel to 6 mm. long, shallowly 3-lobed, ± 5 × 6.5 mm., densely to sparsely covered with large fleshy tubercles, occasionally almost smooth, glabrous or fairly sparsely pilose with long spreading hairs, usually tinged reddish.. Seeds ovoid, slightly compressed, ± 2.5 × 2 mm., smooth, greyish brown; caruncle 1 mm. across, cream.
Leaves subsessile; petiole c. 1 mm long, flattened, with a short tuft of hairs in the axil; lamina to 5–8 × 1–3 cm, linear-lanceolate to obovate or broadly obovate, obtuse to rounded at the apex and usually shortly apiculate, abruptly cuneate to rounded at the base, narrowly cartilaginous and sometimes ± revolute at the margin, glabrous.
Cyathia sessile, glabrous or occasionally sparsely pilose, c. 3.5 × 5.5 mm, with broadly cup-shaped involucres; glands 4–6, spreading, 1.5–3 mm broad, orbicular to transversely oblong, yellow; lobes 1 mm long, rounded, densely ciliate on the inner surface.
Perennial herb; rootstock thick woody, producing numerous simple or sparsely branched annual stems; stems erect to 60 cm high, or spreading and decumbent, 30–100 cm long, rarely more, glabrous or pilose with long spreading hairs.
Rootstock perennial, woody; stems 2 to several, herbaceous, or, if not burnt by fires, enduring for 2 or more years and becoming woody and leafless below simple or branched, 4 to 36 in. high
Bracts sessile, c. 1.5–2.5 × 1.5–3 cm, deltoid to suborbicular, longer below the umbel, apex obtuse to rounded, base with a tuft of hairs on the upper surface.
Cymes axillary and in (3)5(6)-branched umbels around a terminal bisexual cyathium, with primary rays to 7(10) cm long, each forking c. 3 times.
Capsule exserted on a pedicel to 6 mm long, c. 5 × 6.5 mm, shallowly 3-lobed, densely and strongly verrucose, usually tinged reddish.
Female flower: ovary densely verrucose, glabrous; styles 3 mm long, joined to nearly halfway, with spreading deeply bifid apices.
Seeds c. 2.5 × 2 mm, ovoid, slightly compressed, smooth, greyish-brown; caruncle 1 mm across.
Male flowers: bracteoles fan-shaped, densely ciliate; stamens 4.5 mm long.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.55
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Watershed swampy grassland; rocks and boulders on windswept meadow with Cussonia spicata, Diospyros cf. whiteana, Heteropyxis natalensis, Olinia vanguerioides, etc.; humus-rich, sandy, rocky soils in grassland, often in forest clearings.
In montane grassland
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 10 - 15
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 26
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Euphorbia depauperata unspecified picture


Euphorbia depauperata world distribution map, present in Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000961720
BDTFX ID 25826
INPN ID 97494
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Tithymalus depauperatus Euphorbia depauperata Euphorbia depauperata subsp. aprica Euphorbia depauperata var. pubiflora

Lower taxons

Euphorbia depauperata var. depauperata Euphorbia depauperata var. trachycarpa Euphorbia depauperata var. laevicarpa Euphorbia depauperata var. tsetserrensis