Euphorbia hirta L.

Euphorbe (fr)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae > Euphorbia


Herbs, annual or perennial, with slender to thickened taproot. Stems usually erect to ascending, rarely prostrate or decumbent, 10–50(–75) cm, usually both strigillose and hirsute. Leaves opposite; stipules usually distinct, rarely connate at base, undivided or divided into 2–4 narrowly deltate to linear-subulate segments, 0.5–1.8(–2.9) mm, pilose, often with light-colored, minute circular glands at base; petiole 1–3 mm, usually both strigillose and hirsute; blade ovate to rhombic, 7–43 × 3–18 mm, base strongly asymmetric, one side rounded or slightly cordate to truncate, the other cuneate to attenuate, margins serrulate to double serrulate, apex acute, surfaces often with red spot in center, usually strigose to hirtellous, rarely glabrescent; 3–5-veined from base. Cyathia in dense, axillary and terminal, capitate glomerules, with reduced, bractlike leaves subtending cyathia, axillary glomerules either sessile or at tips of elongated, leafless stalks; peduncle 0.4–2.1 mm. Involucre obconic, 0.6–1.2 × 0.4–0.9 mm, strigillose; glands 4, greenish to pink, circular, oblong, or reniform, 0.1–0.2 × 0.1–0.2 mm; appendages white to pink, flabellate, subcircular, or transversely oblong, rarely absent, (0–)0.1–0.6 × (0–)0.1–0.7 mm, distal margin usually entire, rarely slightly lobed. Staminate flowers 2–8. Pistillate flowers: ovary strigillose, often canescent when young; styles 0.2–0.6 mm, 2-fid 1/2 length. Capsules subglobose to slightly oblate, 1–1.3 × 1.1–1.6 mm, strigillose; columella 0.7–1 mm. Seeds brownish red to orange or pink, narrowly ovoid, 4-angled in cross section, 0.7–0.9 × 0.5–0.7 mm, usually rugulose or with 3–6 low transverse ridges, rarely nearly smooth.
Annual herb, prostrate to ascending, with branches to 50 cm. long, the whole plant pilose, including the inflorescence and capsule, with minute white adpressed hairs interspersed by yellow spreading segmented hairs ± 1.5 mm. long principally on the branches and especially on younger growth.. Leaves ovate, 1–4 × 0.5–2 cm., base very obliquely rounded, apex subacute, margin finely toothed, upper surface sometimes almost glabrous, often blotched with purple especially in the region of the midrib; petiole to 3.5 mm. long; stipules linear, rarely laciniate on lush specimens, to 2.5 mm. long.. Cyathia in dense capitate, terminal and axillary cymes to 15 mm. in diameter on peduncles to 15(–20) mm. long, occasionally subtended by 1–2 small leafy bracts ± 1 cm. long; cyathial peduncles to 1 mm. long; bracts deltoid, deeply laciniate to 1 mm. long.. Cyathia ± 0.8 × 0.8 mm. with cup-shaped involucres, usually tinged with purple; glands 4, minute, elliptical, green or purplish, with minute entire white to pink appendages; lobes triangular, fimbriate.. Male flowers: bracteoles linear, fimbriate; stamens 1 mm. long.. Female flower: ovary shortly pedicellate; styles 0.4 mm. long, spreading, bifid almost to the base, with thickened apices.. Capsule just exserted on a pedicel 1 mm. long, acutely 3-lobed, with truncate base, 1 × 1.25 mm., pilose with short yellow adpressed hairs.. Seeds oblong-conical, 0.8 × 0.4 mm., pinkish brown, with slight transverse wrinkles.
Herbs, annual, 30-60(-70) cm tall, usually few branched. Root fibrous, 3-5 mm. Stem branched from middle or above, ascending to erect, rarely prostrate, ca. 3 mm thick, with mixture of long yellow-brown multicellular hairs and much shorter white hairs. Leaves opposite; stipules membranous, triangular, 0.8-1.7 mm, caducous; petiole 1-3.5 mm; leaf blade lanceolate-oblong, long elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate, 10-50 × 3-16 mm, adaxially green to red, sometimes with purple blotch along midrib, abaxially gray-green, both surfaces pilose, denser abaxially, base slightly oblique, margin entire or few serrulate below middle, finely serrulate above middle, apex acuminate or obtuse. Cyathia in dense, often headlike, pedunculate cymes at upper nodes, peduncle to 25 mm, all parts very hairy; involucre campanulate, ca. 1 × 1 mm, pilose, marginal lobes 5, triangular-ovate; glands 4, red, rounded to transversely elliptic, center slightly sunken, appendages white to reddish, narrowly elliptic to obdeltoid, to 0.3 × 0.2 mm, margin entire to slightly undulate. Male flowers 4 or 5; anthers red. Female flower: pedicel short, exserted from involucre; ovary 3-angular, sparsely pilose; styles free; stigma slightly 2-lobed. Capsule 3-angular, 1-1.5 × 1-1.5 mm, smooth, shortly pilose; fruiting peduncle to 1.5 mm. Seeds subglobose-tetragonal, 0.7-0.9 × 0.4-0.5 mm, reddish, sides transversely furrowed; caruncle absent. Fl. and fr. Jun-Dec. 2n = 18*.
Annual, usually erect or spreading. Stems moderately to densely hairy, 10-30 cm long, branched or not from base. Lvs opposite, sparsely to moderately hairy above, usually densely hairy below, shortly petiolate, serrate, ovate to elliptic, acute, asymmetric at base, (6)-10-20-(30) mm long, often with a purple spot about midvein; stipules triangular, free, c. 1 mm long, often with long linear divisions. Cyathia in small, axillary or terminal, leafless clusters along branches. Glands ovate or orbicular, entire. Capsule smooth, grooved, sparsely to moderately clothed in appressed hairs; keels sharp. Seeds rugulose, 4-angled, reddish brown, 0.7-1 mm long.
A herb. It can grow as an annual or keep growing from year to year. It grows to 15-60 cm high and spreads to 15 cm wide. The stems lie over and are dull reddish green and hairy. The leaves occur opposite one another and are 5 cm long. The are broadly oblong and with fine teeth long the edge. The flowers are small and occur in the axils of leaves. They are separately male and female and gathered into groups. The fruit are hairy and 3-celled. They are about 1.2 mm across. They are an irregular shaped with ridges across them.
Leaves with a petiole to 3.5 mm long; stipules to 2.5 mm long, linear, rarely laciniate on lush specimens; lamina 1–4 × 0.5–2 cm, ovate, apex subacute, base very obliquely rounded, margin finely toothed, upper surface sometimes almost glabrous, often blotched with purple especially in the region of the midrib.
Decumbent to erect, to 6 dm, usually conspicuously hairy, with oblong or lance-oblong lvs 1–4 cm and the fls numerous in dense, axillary and terminal, often peduncled clusters, is widespread in trop. and warm-temp. regions, including s. U.S., but only rarely adventive and probably not persistent with us.
Annual herb, prostrate to ascending, with branches to 50 cm long; whole plant pilose, including inflorescence and capsules, with minute white appressed hairs interspersed by yellow spreading segmented hairs c. 1.5 mm long principally on the branches and especially on younger growth.
Cyathia c. 0.8 × 0.8 mm, with cup-shaped involucres, usually tinged purple; glands 4, minute, elliptical, green or purplish, with minute entire white to pink appendages; lobes triangular, fimbriate.
Cymes terminal and axillary, densely capitate to 15 mm diameter on peduncles to 15(20) mm long, occasionally subtended by 1–2 leaf-like bracts c. 1 cm long; cyathial peduncles to 1 mm long.
Capsule just exserted on a pedicel 1 mm long, 1 × 1.25 mm, acutely 3-lobed with truncate base, pilose with short yellow appressed hairs.
Female flower: ovary shortly pedicellate; styles 0.4 mm long, spreading, bifid almost to the base, with thickened apices.
Seeds 0.8 × 0.4 mm, oblong-conical with obscure transverse wrinkles, pinkish-brown.
An erect or decumbent herb, to 18 in. high, sometimes purple-tinged
Male flowers: bracteoles linear, fimbriate; stamens 1 mm long.
Bracts to 1 mm long, deltoid, deeply laciniate.
A common weed.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 0.2
Mature height (meter) 0.3 - 0.45
Root system fibrous-root tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c4


It is a tropical plant. It will grow on most soils. It prefers an open sunny position. It is damaged by drought and frost. In Papua New Guinea it grows from near sea level to about 2,000 m altitude. In Argentina it grows below 800 m above sea level. In Northeastern India it grows between 1,200-1,600 m above sea level. It grows in wetlands. It can grow in arid places. In Sichuan and Yunnan.
Waste places and cultivated fields in lowland Japan. Moist open places at elevations up to 1,800 metres in Nepal. Cultivated fields, gardens, roadsides and waste places, from sea-level up to 2,000 metres.
Waste places and cultivated fields in lowland Japan. Moist open places at elevations up to 1,800 metres in Nepal. Cultivated fields, gardens, roadsides and waste places, from sea-level up to 2,000 metres.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-5
Soil texture 3-6
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 7-12


Caution: All Euphorbias or spurges have irritating sap and many have chemicals that can cause cancer. The tender leaves and shoots are cooked as a vegetable. They should only be eaten in small quantities. They are also used to make a drink. The fruit are eaten raw. The flowers are eaten raw as a sweet. The young leaves can be stored for 3-4 days after harvesting.
Uses animal food food material medicinal poison vertebrate poison
Edible flowers fruits leaves seeds shoots
Therapeutic use Acne vulgaris (flower), Anti-bacterial agents (aerial part), Antifungal agents (aerial part), Anti-inflammatory agents (aerial part), Antitubercular agents (aerial part), Asthma (aerial part), Bronchial diseases (aerial part), Diabetes mellitus (aerial part), Hemorrhoids (aerial part), Histamine antagonists (aerial part), Immunosuppressive agents (aerial part), Leishmaniasis (aerial part), Aphrodisiacs (bark), Hemorrhoids (bark), Anti-bacterial agents (flower), Antifungal agents (flower), Diabetes mellitus (flower), Galactogogues (flower), Lactation disorders (flower), Galactogogues (fruit), Allergens (leaf), Anemia (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (leaf), Antifungal agents (leaf), Antioxidants (leaf), Antiprotozoal agents (leaf), Antiviral agents (leaf), Aphrodisiacs (leaf), Arthralgia (leaf), Asthma (leaf), Blister (leaf), Bronchitis (leaf), Burns (leaf), Colic (leaf), Diabetes mellitus (leaf), Diarrhea (leaf), Dysentery (leaf), Earache (leaf), Eczema (leaf), Edema (leaf), Disorder of ejaculation (leaf), Eye burn (leaf), Eye diseases (leaf), Fever (leaf), Furunculosis (leaf), Gastrointestinal diseases (leaf), Gonorrhea (leaf), Hemorrhage (leaf), Insecticides (leaf), Jaundice (leaf), Lactation disorders (leaf), Leukorrhea (leaf), Menorrhagia (leaf), Migraine disorders (leaf), Otitis media, suppurative (leaf), Pruritus (leaf), Scabies (leaf), Skin diseases (leaf), Stomach diseases (leaf), Urination disorders (leaf), Wounds and injuries (leaf), Fissure of nipple (leaf), Abscess (plant exudate), Acne vulgaris (plant exudate), Anthelmintics (plant exudate), Asthma (plant exudate), Bronchial diseases (plant exudate), Conjunctivitis (plant exudate), Corneal diseases (plant exudate), Cough (plant exudate), Dysentery (plant exudate), Eczema (plant exudate), Endophthalmitis (plant exudate), Eye diseases (plant exudate), Eye infections (plant exudate), Galactogogues (plant exudate), Gastrointestinal diseases (plant exudate), Hemorrhoids (plant exudate), Counterirritant (plant exudate), Scabies (plant exudate), Scorpion stings (plant exudate), Skin diseases (plant exudate), Urologic diseases (plant exudate), Vitiligo (plant exudate), Warts (plant exudate), Wounds and injuries (plant exudate), Abdominal pain (root), Abscess (root), Anemia (root), Antinematodal agents (root), Antiviral agents (root), Bronchial diseases (root), Common cold (root), Fever (root), Furunculosis (root), Galactogogues (root), Leukorrhea (root), Malaria (root), Snake bites (root), Urination disorders (root), Vomiting (root), Wounds and injuries (root), Antiviral agents (shoot), Lactation (shoot), Abscess (stem), Antifungal agents (stem), Candidiasis, cutaneous (stem), Eye diseases (stem), Furunculosis (stem), Pruritus (stem), Skin diseases (stem), Headache (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Bruise (unspecified), Carminative (unspecified), Catarrh (unspecified), Colic (unspecified), Conjunctivitis (unspecified), Cornea (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Cyanogenetic (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Dermatosis (unspecified), Dysentery (unspecified), Enteritis (unspecified), Eruption (unspecified), Excrescence (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Hypertension (unspecified), Itch (unspecified), Lactagogue (unspecified), Lactogogue (unspecified), Measles (unspecified), Nausea (unspecified), Ophthalmia (unspecified), Poison (unspecified), Post-Natal (unspecified), Poultice (unspecified), Ringworm (unspecified), Skin (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Tumor (unspecified), Urogenital (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Wart (unspecified), Wound (unspecified), Athlete's-Foot (unspecified), Vesicant (unspecified), Ache(Stomach) (unspecified), Alexiteric (unspecified), Breast (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Eyelid (unspecified), Flu (unspecified), Fracture(Veterinary) (unspecified), Fungus (unspecified), Gargle (unspecified), Heart (unspecified), Oxyuris (unspecified), Purgative (unspecified), Splinter (unspecified), Gonorrhea (unspecified), Debility (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Discutient (unspecified), Narcotic (unspecified), Spasm (unspecified), Anaphylaxis (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-anxiety agents (unspecified), Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified), Anticonvulsants (unspecified), Antidotes (unspecified), Colic (whole plant), Antifungal agents (unspecified), Antineoplastic agents (unspecified), Antiprotozoal agents (unspecified), Antiviral agents (unspecified), Back pain (unspecified), Breast diseases (unspecified), Bronchial diseases (unspecified), Bronchodilator agents (unspecified), Carbuncle (unspecified), Cardiotonic agents (unspecified), Cardiovascular agents (unspecified), Common cold (unspecified), Contraceptive agents (unspecified), Diabetes mellitus (unspecified), Dysuria (unspecified), Disorder of ejaculation (unspecified), Exanthema (unspecified), Eye diseases (unspecified), Fractures, bone (unspecified), Furunculosis (unspecified), Galactogogues (unspecified), Heart diseases (unspecified), Hematologic diseases (unspecified), Hemorrhoids (unspecified), Hyperglycemia (unspecified), Hypoglycemic agents (unspecified), Inflammatory bowel diseases (unspecified), Insecticides (unspecified), Kidney diseases (unspecified), Lactation disorders (unspecified), Laryngitis (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Leukorrhea (unspecified), Liver diseases (unspecified), Lung diseases (unspecified), Mastodynia (unspecified), Molluscacides (unspecified), Neoplasms (unspecified), Pain (unspecified), Parasympatholytics (unspecified), Peptic ulcer (unspecified), Pneumonia (unspecified), Postnatal care (unspecified), Postpartum hemorrhage (unspecified), Premature ejaculation (unspecified), Rabies (unspecified), Respiratory system agents (unspecified), Respiratory tract diseases (unspecified), Rickets (unspecified), Scabies (unspecified), Sexually transmitted diseases (unspecified), Skin diseases (unspecified), Snake bites (unspecified), Stomach diseases (unspecified), Stomatitis, aphthous (unspecified), Toothache (unspecified), Typhoid fever (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Urinary tract infections (unspecified), Urogenital system (unspecified), Urologic diseases (unspecified), Visual perception (unspecified), Warts (unspecified), Whooping cough (unspecified), Wound healing (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified), Child health (unspecified), Acne vulgaris (whole plant), Analgesics (whole plant), Anthelmintics (whole plant), Anti-anxiety agents (whole plant), Anti-inflammatory agents (whole plant), Antineoplastic agents (whole plant), Antipyretics (whole plant), Asthma (whole plant), Bronchitis (whole plant), Conjunctivitis (whole plant), Cough (whole plant), Diarrhea (whole plant), Digestive system diseases (whole plant), Dysentery (whole plant), Dysuria (whole plant), Enema (whole plant), Furunculosis (whole plant), Gonorrhea (whole plant), Hypnotics and sedatives (whole plant), Hypotension (whole plant), Intestinal diseases, parasitic (whole plant), Jaundice (whole plant), Lactation disorders (whole plant), Laryngitis (whole plant), Leprosy, lepromatous (whole plant), Neoplasms (whole plant), Oral ulcer (whole plant), Parasympatholytics (whole plant), Respiratory tract diseases (whole plant), Rhinitis, allergic, seasonal (whole plant), Urologic diseases (whole plant), Vomiting (whole plant), Warts (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seed or cuttings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 10 - 15
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 26
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Euphorbia hirta habit picture by Sarah Smadja (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta habit picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta habit picture by R. Tournebize (cc-by-sa)


Euphorbia hirta leaf picture by Ricardo (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta leaf picture by baig mirza (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta leaf picture by Khadijah Khan (cc-by-sa)


Euphorbia hirta flower picture by Emanuele Santarelli (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta flower picture by Rajendra Rajendra Choure (cc-by-sa)
Euphorbia hirta flower picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)


Euphorbia hirta fruit picture by Emanuele Santarelli (cc-by-sa)


Euphorbia hirta world distribution map, present in Aruba, Angola, Åland Islands, Andorra, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Botswana, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Mozambique, Mauritania, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Nepal, Nauru, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Pitcairn, Peru, Palau, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Wallis and Futuna, Samoa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000962575
BDTFX ID 164313
INPN ID 452876
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


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