Leaves sessile; stipules filamentous, 0.5 mm long, quickly deciduous; lamina to 10.5 × 0.5 cm, linear-lanceolate, apiculate at the apex, cuneate at the base, entire, midrib prominent on the lower surface.
Perennial herb, up to 100 mm tall. Main root tuberous. Leaves sessile, linear, 18-60 x 1-5 mm. Processes of involucre glands branched and not corrugated on their upper surface. Flowers green.
Female flower: styles c. 3 mm long, joined to about halfway with spreading, slightly thickened, scarcely bifid apices.
Perennial herb with annual stems from a large fleshy tuberous rootstock; stems 1–several, up to 12 cm high.
Male flowers: bracteoles fan-shaped, apex laciniate, feathery; stamens 7.5 mm long, pedicels pubescent.
Cymes in terminal 3-branched umbels, with rays to 6 cm long, not forking, or cyathia solitary.
Seeds 5 × 4.2 mm, ovoid with obtuse apex; surface scabrous-papillose, pale brown.
Capsule c. 6 × 8 mm, obtusely 3-lobed; pedicel to c. 4 mm long.
Bracts leaf-like.