Leaf-lamina 5·5–10·5 × 3·5–11·5 cm., ovate or broadly ovate in outline, cordate, shortly pubescent becoming scabrid-punctate above, shortly pubescent or hispid becoming asperulous or scabrid beneath, unlobed or incipiently to deeply palmately 3–5-lobed; lobes ovate, ovate-rhombic or elliptic, ± sinuate-denticulate, obtuse to acute, often shortly acuminate, apiculate, the central largest, undivided or incipiently to deeply laterally 3–5-lobulate.
Fruit 6·5–9 × 2·8–4 cm., oblong-ellipsoid, rounded at the base, smooth, terete, subacute, fleshy, orange; fruit-stalk c. 2 cm. long.
Young stems herbaceous, shortly finely pubescent, soon becoming softly ligneous and developing a thin pallid papyraceous bark.
Seeds 7·8–9 × 6–7·2 × 4·8–5·8 mm., subpisiform, smooth, black, slightly bordered.
Petioles 1·5–5·8 cm., shortly and finely spiculate-pubescent.
Scandent perennial herb; tuber napiform.
Female flowers unknown.