Stamens 5, 4 in 2 pairs, 1 single, all 1-thecous, or the paired stamens variously to completely united into 2 double 2-thecous stamens, free; filaments inserted in the mouth of the lower part of the receptacle-tube; connectives broad; thecae flexuous.
Female flowers solitary; perianth similar to that of male flower, receptacle smaller; staminodes 3 or 5, variously developed; ovary ellipsoid, rostrate, terete; ovules many, horizontal; stigma 3-lobed.
Male flowers solitary or few to many in sessile or pedunculate axillary fascicles.
Receptacle-tube short, obconic below, expanded above; lobes lanceolate, entire.
Fruits ellipsoid, rostrate, fleshy, orange-red, indehiscent.
Seeds tumid, margined; testa smooth or fibrillose.
Scandent softly ligneous shrubs or herbs.
Flowers yellow or white, dioecious.
Rootstock perennial, tuberous.
Leaves simple, petiolate.
Petals 5, free, entire.
Tendrils simple.