Epiphytic, entirely glabrous monopodial herbs. Stems abbreviated, simple. Leaves broadly oblong-elliptic, obliquely ovate-elliptic or liguliform, unequally bilobed at apex, spreading. Inflorescence 2–10(–12)-flowered, lax, axillary, pendulous, shorter than leaves; bracts small. Flowers white, green and purple-brown or rose, large, thin-textured, scented. Sepals and petals free, narrowly elliptic or oblong, acute, erect to spreading. Lip entire or subentire, spurred, infundibuliform, cucullate, emarginate, ecallose, spur conical below, constricted at the middle, inflated above and slightly to strongly geniculate. Column short and broad, erect, without a foot or stelidia; rostellum large, liguliform, truncate to emarginate, obscurely carinate; anther cucullate, retuse; pollinia 2, broadly ellipsoid, both attached by a long, narrowly linear stipes to a large, oblong or ovate viscidium.