Plant 2 3/4-4 in. high, branching from the base; branches erect or suberect, glabrescent, densely leafy; leaves erect, 2/3-1 1/4 in. long, filiform, acute, with the margins usually revolute, glabrous; umbels pedunculate, about 4-flowered; peduncles short, bifariously puberulous; pedicels 4 lin. long, filiform, glabrescent; sepals 1 lin. long, ovate, acute, very thinly puberulous; corolla-lobes erectly spreading, 3 1/2 lin. long, scarcely 2 lin. broad at the middle, ovate-oblong, obtuse, glabrous; outer series of corona-lobes linear, obtuse, with a thick longitudinal keel on the inner face; middle series a little longer than the outer, deeply 3-partite, with the lateral segments linear, subfalcate, obtuse, enlarged into a rounded lobe on the outer margin below the middle, and with the middle segment suberect, linear, subobtuse; inner series linear-lanceolate, attenuate at the apex, subincurved, slightly exceeding the anthers.