Corolla thick, cylindrical or obovoid, obtuse or shortly acuminate at the apex in bud; mostly yellow or greenish, densely tomentose; tube cylindrical, glabrous or hairy at the throat, with a ring of deflexed hairs inside; lobes reflexed, obtuse or shortly apiculate.
Ovary (3)4–5-locular, each locule with a pendulous ovule; style slender, exserted; pollen presenter cylindrical or coroniform, sulcate, (3)4–5-lobed at the apex.
Leaves opposite, or less often in whorls of 3, shortly petioled; stipules with triangular or sheathing connate bases and subulate appendages.
Fruit drying back, globose, crowned with the calyx limb, sometimes ribbed, containing (3)4–5 pyrenes, ± glabrous.
Pyrenes thinly woody, not crested around apex, point of attachment ± beaked, very slightly textured.
Flowers relatively large in subsessile or shortly pedunculate, dense, few-to many-flowered cymes.
Subshrubby herbs (suffrutices) or shrubs, completely softly tomentose, mostly much branched.
Calyx tube globose with a short ± subundulate limb or short, triangular teeth.
Stamens inserted at the throat, anthers exserted or partly exserted.
Cotyledons very much shorter than the radicle.