Plants with leaves often densely papillate-ciliate; margins heavily thickened, thickenings smooth or densely ciliate, often irregularly serrulate or crenate, sometimes lightly crisped. Rhipidial spathes: inner 45-62 mm long, abaxial margins sometimes crisped, outer 30-50 mm long, usually entirely sheathing, or tips free. Flowers with narrow cup 11-13 mm deep, ± 7 mm wide at rim, with faint, green-apple or slightly sour odour; outer tepals 28-32 mm long, limbs spreading to slightly reflexed, inner tepals 26-28 mm long, claws of both whorls (11-)12-14 mm long. Filaments united in column ± 12 mm long, free and diverging in upper ± 1 mm; anther thecae ± 3 mm long before dehiscence. Ovary 23-28 mm long with beak 15-18 mm long.