Plants often small, (40-)100-200 mm high. Stem erect, unbranched, lower half partly exposed. Leaves: basal and juvenile with short, linear blades, up to 45 x 2 mm; cauline entirely bifacial, broadly ovate to rotund, amplexicaul, 15-18 mm long, spreading, concave; margins membranous, often reddish. Rhipidia 2-flowered; spathes leafy, green, often brown at tips, inner 18-20 mm long, outer 12-20 mm long, sheathing in lower half, arching outward above. Flowers on pedicels 7-12 mm long, pale yellow with brown spots in midline and base of limbs, margins closely crisped, dark brown, acrid-smelling; tepal claws broad, 7-8 mm long, forming a cup ± 7 mm deep, ± 8 mm wide at rim, nectaries ± 2 mm long, above base of claws, ± 2 x 2 mm, paired or bilobed, greenish, tepal limbs spreading; outer tepals 17-20 mm long, limbs 8-12 mm long, inner slightly smaller than outer. Filaments united in a column 7-8 mm long, free in upper 1 mm; anther thecae parallel, ± 2 mm long; pollen orange. Ovary ellipsoid, ± 6 mm long, without beak, included; style branches ± 2 mm long, diverging into prominently fringed arms; stigmas terminal on style arms. Capsules ovoid (mature capsules and seeds unknown).
Cormous geophyte, up to 100 mm tall, stem exposed below. Basal leaves short, linear, spreading, unifacial distally, upper leaves short, bifacial, broadly ovate, concave. Flowers yellowish with large brown spots and margins, tepal claws broad, forming a wide cup, nectaries prominent, anther lobes parallel. Capsule not beaked.