Fimbristylis squarrosa Vahl

Fimbristyle (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Cyperaceae > Fimbristylis


Annuals. Culms densely tufted, 6-25 cm tall, slender, compressed, with few leaves at base. Leaves shorter than culm; sheath pale brown, densely pilose; leaf blade less than 1 mm wide, flat, both surfaces pubescent. Involucral bracts 3-7, leaflike, shorter to slightly longer than inflorescence. Inflorescence a simple, compound, or decompound anthela; rays few to many, to 3 cm. Spikelets solitary, ovoid, narrowly ovoid, or oblong, 3-7 × 1.2-3 mm, many flowered, squarrose or not. Glumes spirally imbricate, yellowish brown, oblong to oblong-ovate, 1.5-2 mm (including awn), membranous, 3-veined forming an abaxial green keel, apex obtuse and awned, awn either long and recurved or short and straight or slightly recurved. Stamen 1; anther oblong, apex apiculate. Style long and compressed, basally inflated with long filiform pendent hairs covering top of nutlet, apically ciliate; stigmas 2. Nutlet yellowish white, shortly stipitate, obovoid, 0.5-1 mm, biconvex, almost smooth or with very indistinct hexagonal reticulation. Fl. Sep.
Plants annual, cespitose, delicate, to 30(–40) cm, bases soft; rhizomes absent. Leaves polystichous, spreading to ascending, to 1/2 length of culms or longer; sheaths entire or ciliate distally, backs hirtellous; ligule absent; blades linear-filiform, 0.5 mm wide, flat or involute, scabrid ciliate, often abaxially hirtellous. Inflorescences: anthelae simple or compound, mostly open, ascending-branched, mostly longer than broad; scapes filiform, 0.5 mm wide, distally compressed, mostly glabrous; longer involucral bracts leafy, equaling or exceeded by anthela. Spikelets greenish brown or brownish, lanceoloid or narrowly ellipsoid-cylindric, 4–5 mm; fertile scales ovate, acute, glabrous, midrib excurrent as slender, excurved cusp. Flowers: stamens 1; styles 2-fid, slender, base flat, long-fimbriate, hairs recurved over achene summit. Achenes pale brown, lenticular, obovoid, 0.9 mm, smooth or very finely reticulate.
Tufted, often spreading annual, us. white-pubescent in all its parts. Culms 3–16–(20) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., ∞, flaccid. Lvs us. < culms, filiform; sheaths much broader, light brown. Infl. us. a compound umbel, 1–4 cm. long, occ. reduced to a few spikelets only; subtending bracts 3–4, lf-like, 1–2 often > umbel. Spikelets 3.5–5–(7) mm. long, us. stalked, pale brown. Glumes ∞, elliptic, with a prominent, rigid, green, scabrid keel, often forming an excurrent mucro, and often recurved in the lowermost glume of a spikelet. Stamens us. 1. Style 2-fid, the bulbous base ringed with fine cilia hanging downwards over the ovary, not quite reaching to the mid-point. Nut slightly < 1 mm. long, c. 0.5 mm. diam., biconvex, orbicular, smooth, cream.
Tufted, erect annual, 100-300 mm tall. Leaf blades flat, up to 1 mm wide. Inflorescence of several stalked clusters of spikelets, each individually stalked, radiating from stem apex, basal bracts suberect, leaf-like. Spikelets ovoid-oblong, 3-5(-9) x 1.5-2 mm, glumes light brown, aristate. Style base with long white hairs enveloping nutlet when young.
Annual herb, up to 150 mm tall. Style base bearing many long, white, pendant hairs which form a fringe over nut. Glumes light brown.
Green to buff-coloured oblong spikelets, glumes scarious a conspicuous green midvein excurrent in a long recurved awn
Annual, 5-20 cm. Spikelets greyish.
Small annual herb
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.15 - 0.25
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Open, wet places. Shores of lakes, on wet sandy soil, at elevations up to 1,600 metres.
In sandy river-beds and swamps.
Light -
Soil humidity 6-10
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Fimbristylis squarrosa unspecified picture


Fimbristylis squarrosa world distribution map, present in Angola, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Botswana, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, Algeria, Fiji, Gabon, Greece, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Paraguay, Réunion, Sudan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Chad, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Fimbristylis squarrosa threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000423593
COL ID 6J494
BDTFX ID 84664
INPN ID 706300
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Cyperus hirtus Iria squarrosa Bulbostylis hirta Scirpus squarrosus Fimbristylis squarrosa f. tenuissima Pogonostylis squarrosus Fimbristylis squarrosa Scirpus propinqua Fimbristylis aestivalis var. squarrosa Fimbristylis squarrosa var. robustior Fimbristylis squarrosa var. glabrescens

Lower taxons

Fimbristylis squarrosa var. esquarrosa Fimbristylis squarrosa var. squarrosa