Origin: at Wye Inst. on the Eastern Shore of Maryland by Maryland Agr. Expt. Sta. College Park, Md., and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Introd. in 1981. US 4419 (MdUS 2905 × MdUS 2650) × MdUS 3184 (NC 1768 × Surecrop). Cross made in 1969; selected in 1971 by D.H. Scott and A.O. Draper; tested as MdUS 4429. Berry: large, firm, symmetrical, attractive external and internal color; flavor pleasant; ripens with Guardian and Scott. Tree: vigorous, productive; runners freely; resistant to five races of red stele root rot; moderately resistant to verticillium wilt; foliage resistant to leaf scorch and powdery mildew. Fruit: