Long-day cultivar with a brief chilling requirement, adapted to protected cultivation in the Gironde, France. Origin: Darbonne Pepiniere, Le Barp, France, by Alexandre Pierron-Darbonne. 88.09.06 × Mara des Bois, crossed 2005, Le Barp; selected in Segovia, Spain; tested as Amandine DA 47; USPP 26,059; 6 Nov. 2014. Tree: vigor medium; stolons few, 3 to 5; yield low, 513 g/plant; flat globose, density medium; flowers above canopy; fruiting trusses semi-erect. Fruit: moderately glossy dark red (RHS 45B to 45A); large, 13 to 15 g; uniformly cordate; flesh moderately firm, orange-red (RHS 31B to 32B) to light orange (RHS 27C to 29C), 7%SS, 3.9 pH; calyx small, spreading, set at surface; achenes at surface; season early.