Short-day, female, white-fruited cultivar with red achenes, adapted to The Netherlands. Origin: Beekers Berries Breeding, Made, The Netherlands by J.A.P. de Jongh, Etten-Leur. Mix of white-fruited genotypes including Annablanca and Louis Gathier o.p. 2007; selected in Etten-Leur, The Netherlands, 2008; tested as BBB PO 01; USPP 24,332; 25 Mar. 2014. Tree: vigor strong; upright mounded; flowers beneath canopy, fruiting trusses; tolerant to Phytophthora crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum), susceptible to rain damage. Fruit: moderately glossy white (RHS 158C 160D); small, 2.1 cm long, 2.6 cm wide; uniformly oblate; flesh moderately firm, very juicy, white (RHS NNl55A and NN155C to NN155D); very sweet, moderately acidic, very aromatic; calyx small, inset, spreading to slightly reflexed; achenes deeply inserted, red (RHS 44A to 45A).