A productive, midseason, short-day cultivar adapted to plasticulture from the mid-South and southern Appalachians to the mid-Atlantic regions of the eastern US. Origin: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, by J.R. Ballington. FL 87-210 × Delmarvel; cross made in 1994; selected in 1995; tested as NCR 95-08; rel. in 2002; USPP 15,552. Tree: short-day; vigorous; prolific runner producer in nurseries; adapted to plasticulture. Resistant to anthracnose fruit rot (Colletotrichum acutatum). Fruit: midseason, season very similar to Camarosa; shape blunt-conic (on primaries) to conic; yield similar to Chandler and Camarosa; fruit size similar to Chandler; equal to or better than Chandler for all fruit characteristics except flesh color; flavor better than Camarosa, and equal to or better than the latter cultivar for attractiveness, symmetry and skin color; flesh color, fruit firmness and skin toughness satisfactory, but not equal to Camarosa.