An exceptionally firm yet succulent cultivar with very good flavor and disease tolerance that is proving adapted to many locations internationally. Origin: D.W. Small. California Giant, Inc., Watsonville, Calif. F39.1 × F15.1; cross made in 1997; selected in 1999; USPP 15,087; assigned to California Giant, Inc. Registered as Galexia in Europe and Israel. Tree: short-day with a strong day-neutral tendency; more compact than Cal Giant 4 with very aggressive side-crown development; displays good disease tolerance to various soilborne, foliar, and fruit diseases, specifically Botrytis cinerea, Phytophthora sp., Colletotrichum: powdery mildew, and angular leaf spot. Displays good tolerance to two-spot spider mites. Fruit: exceptionally firm and well-sized with good continuing size within the hand and from hand to hand; orange red color with good interior color saturation; very succulent with very good flavor; good rain tolerance, pollinating well in inclement weather and displaying good disease tolerance, very strong early crop and a strong ever-bearing tendency allows for very good late season production.