Fully remontant strawberry adapted to European continental climates. Origin: Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti–Societa Consortile A R.L., Ferrara, Italy, by M. Leis, A. Martinelli, G. Castagnoli. CIVRI-30 × R6R1-26; selected in San Giuseppe di Comacchio, Ferrara, Italy, 2005; USPP 23,339, 22 Jan. 2013. Tree: medium to strong vigor, medium stolon number, 7–9/plant; high yield, 1,000–1,200 g/plant; semi-upright, medium density; flowers at canopy, semi-erect fruiting trusses; resistant to local fungal diseases, tolerant to mildew, moderately susceptible to leaf spot. Fruit: glossy red (RHS 46A); large, 20g–33 g; moderately uniform conic; firm, orange red (RHS 33A, RHS 35A) and white (RHS 155D) flesh, very good flavor (7.5–8.5 °Brix); mid-sized spreading surface calyx; surface achenes; long season, June–Nov.