An early-ripening, very attractive strawberry with excellent flavor that is adapted to high tunnel production and could replace Gariguette. Origin: CIREF (France), near Bergerac, by P. Roudeillac. Gariguette × Earliglow; cross made in 1989; selected in 1990; tested as CF 89.93.323; introd. in 1996. French plant patent CPOV 12 795; E.C. plant patent 96-1055. Tree: upright habit; dense foliage; slightly chlorotic leaves; big flowers; good pollen producer; higher yields than Gariguette. Tolerant to verticillium wilt and Colletotrichum acutatum; susceptible to Phytophthora cactorum; moderately susceptible to powdery mildew; tolerant to Botrytis cinerea and Marssonina fragariae. Fruit: elongated, conic; more regular that Gariguette; similar size to Gariguette but size more consistent over the season; firmer than Gariguette; orange, nondarkening; very attractive and glossy; good balance between sugar and acidity; very aromatic; ripens early-season; good shelf life for shipping; fresh-market uses;