Short-day strawberry adapted to Maryland. Origin: USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, by K.S. Lewers and J.M. Enns. B1893 × B1805, crossed 2011; selected 2013; tested as B2360. Tree: vigor moderate to strong; stolons adequate, 9/plant; yield high, 789 g/plant; growth habit compact upright globose, density open, flowers below to above canopy; fruiting trusses prostrate; resistant to rain and anthracnose fruit rot; moderately resistant to bacterial angular leaf spot (Xanthomonas fragariae), powdery mildew, leaf scorch (Diplocarpon earlianum), and leaf blight (Paraphomopsis obscurans, formerly Phomopsis obscurans). Fruit: medium to large, 18-31 g, length 42 mm, width 48 mm; conic to globose conic; skin glossy vivid red to strong red (RHS 44A, RHS 45A); flesh vivid reddish orange (RHS 33A, RHS 33B) and yellowish white (RHS 155D); very firm, fine textured; juicy; flavor moderately sweet (7.6-9.3 ºBrix, pH 3.79, TA 0.93 g/100ml), aromatic; calyx medium to large, set at surface, reflexed to spreading, strongly adhering; achenes at surface; ripens late; stores very well, degraded fruits at 1 week 26%, at 2 weeks 50%.