Partially remontant strawberry adapted to low-tunnel protected cultivation. Origin: Le Barp, France, by A. Pierron-Darbonne. 98.05.17 × 98.16.34. USPP 20,648; 19 Jan. 2010. Tree: medium to strong vigor, high stolon number, 15–20 stolons/plant; moderate to high yield, 1,160 g/plant; flat-globose, medium density foliage; flowers level to above foliage, semi-erect fruiting trusses; tolerant to powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis). Fruit: glossy red, Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.). 43A-43B; medium, 20–21 g; uniform conical to wedged-shaped; flesh firm, orange-red, R.H.S. 34A-34C; 7.2% Brix; mid-sized reflexed calyx; achenes level with surface; early.