Partially everbearing strawberry for commercial production in coastal central California. Origin: Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Watsonville, CA, by B.D. Mowrey, K.L. Gilford, L.T. Kodama, and J. Coss. San Juan × 88E94; selected 2000. USPP 16,241; 7 Feb. 2006. Tree: strong vigor; extremely high yield, 1854 g/plant; upright, open canopy; inflorescence beneath to level with foliage; very long fruiting trusses, 42.8 cm; moderately susceptible to two-spotted spider mite, susceptible to tarnished plant bug and botrytis fruit rot, highly susceptible to powdery mildew, moderately susceptible to verticillium wilt and bacterial angular leaf-spot, moderately resistant to Strawberry mottle virus. Fruit: uniform dark red skin; medium, 24.1 g; conical; flesh solid orange-red, glossy, medium firm, fine texture, small hollow center, sweet, medium acidity; calyx spreading to reflexed, inserted level with surface, smaller than fruit diameter; achenes greyed-purple to yellow, inserted surface level, very narrow band without; harvest mid-to late March to early November.