Everbearing strawberry adapted to southern coastal California. Origin: Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc., Watsonville, CA, by M.D. Ferguson and B.D. Mowrey. 5F205 × San Juan; selected 2002; USPP 19,673; 3 Feb. 2009. Tree: vigorous; moderate yield, 500 g/plant; flat globose; medium dense foliage; moderately resistant to drought, heat, wind, high pH, and salt; resistant to powdery mildew; moderately resistant to two-spotted spider mite, cyclamen mite, spring dwarf nematode, lesion nematode, bulb and stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsac), strawberry blossom weevil (Anthonomus rubi), aphids, and tarnished plant bug; moderately susceptible to botrytis fruit rot. Fruit: red skin; large, 27.5 g; almost cylindrical; light red and white flesh; very fine texture; very sweet with mild acidity; achene color variable, level with surface; midseason.