Partially remontant strawberry adapted to winter production in Florida. Origin: Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc., Watsonville, CA, by K.L. Gilford, E.J. Pullen, B.D. Mowrey, and P.J. Stewart. Driscoll Sanibel × Driscoll Bonaire; selected 2004; USPP 21,538; 30 Nov. 2010. Tree: medium to strong vigor, three crowns/plant, medium stolon number, 30 daughter plants; moderate to high yield, 604 g/plant; flat, medium to dense foliage; flowers below foliage, prostrate fruiting trusses; moderately resistant to botrytis fruit rot, powdery mildew, and angular leaf spot; tolerant of high temperatures. Fruit: dark purple-red, R.H.S. 185A; very large, 39 g; uniform conical to almost cylindrical; flesh firm, red and white, R.H.S. 42B and R.H.S. 155B; somewhat sweet, mild; large spreading to reflexed calyx; achenes below surface; early-mid.