Fully everbearing strawberry adapted to coastal southern California. Origin: Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc., Watsonville, CA, by M.D. Ferguson, T.C. Moran. DrisStrawThree × 50L206, crossed 2006; selected in Shasta County, CA, 2007; USPP 23,517, 9 Apr. 2013. Tree: moderate vigor, 3 crowns/plant, few stolons, 45 daughter plants; low yield, 285.1 g/plant; globose, semi-upright, dense; flowers below foliage, prostrate fruiting trusses. Fruit: dark red (RHS 46A); mid-sized, 30.6 g; uniform conic to cylindrical; firm, red (RHS 46A, RHS 43A) and white (RHS 155D, RHS N155B) flesh, balanced flavor, coarse texture; mid-sized reflexed surface calyx; surface achenes; mid-season.