Dayneutral strawberry adapted to coastal Central California. Origin: Sweet Darling Sales, Aptos, CA, by J. Larse. 102850 × 106734; crossed 2010; selected in Watsonville, CA; tested as 108229. USPP 28,470; 3 Oct. 2017. Tree: vigor medium, stolons few, 4/plant; yield medium-high, 912 g/plant; growth habit semi-upright, light to medium density; flowers at to above canopy, fruiting trusses erect; moderately tolerant to rain. Fruit: large, 25 g; uniformly conic; moderately glossy red (RHS 41A); flesh entirely red (RHS 41A), firm, moderately sweet and aromatic, 7.6 °Brix; calyx small, at surface, spreading; achenes at surface to inset; ripens March-October, peak June; 90% salable, stores 7-10 d.