Short-day strawberry for protected cultivation in winter and spring. Origin: University of Florida, by C.K. Chandler. FL 96-114 × FL 95-200; crossed 2000; USPP applied for. Tree: moderate to low vigor; high yield, 626-715 g/plant; small, low stature, long pedicels; could be planted in high density for greater yield per tunnel unit; moderately resistant to botrytis fruit rot, anthracnose fruit rot, and crown rots (C. gloeosporioides and Phytophthora spp.); susceptible to surface cracking with rain. Fruit: bright red skin; large, 24-27 g; conic to wedge-shaped, and wedge-shaped fruit often is creased; firm, carmine-pink flesh; sweeter than Strawberry Festival, pleasant aromatic flavor; ripens January-March.