Short-day cultivar with partial repeat flowering during same season, adapted to Florida. Origin: University of Florida by V.M. Whitaker and C.K. Chandler. FL 05-107 × FL 02-58; crossed 2009; selected in Balm, FL, Winter 2009-2010; tested as FL 09-127. Tree: vigor moderate, 4-7 crowns/plant; stolon number medium to high, 25-40 daughter plants; yield moderate to high, 679-1,020 g/plant; semi-upright; density medium; flowers at or below canopy; resistant to anthracnose fruit rot (C. acutatum); susceptibility to Botrytis fruit rot moderate. Fruit: glossy bright red (a* = 38.9); very large, 35-45 g primaries, 15-35 g secondaries; conical to cordate; firm, red (a* = 24) flesh, sweet, 9.63-12.49 SSC/TA; calyx mid-sized, spreading to reflexed; achenes slightly below surface; season early. USPP 25,574; 26 May 2015.