Short-day cultivar adapted to Northern Italy and Central Europe. Origin: CRA-Unità di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura, Forlì, Istituto Sperimentale di Frutticoltura-Verona Province Authority and Growers Associations ‘‘Aposcaligera’’ and ‘‘COZ’’ by W. Faedi, G. Baruzzi, P. Lucchi, P. Sbrighi, G. Baroni, L. Ballini, and M. Birolli. Complex pedigree including Addie, Alba, Belrubi, Cardinal and Holiday; crossed 2002; selected in Verona, Italy, 2004; tested as VR 02.312.2; EU CPVO No 2012/1671; 17 Aug. 2012. Tree: vigor moderate; yield high, 1,060 g/plant; open; flowers at canopy, fruiting trusses; susceptibility to anthracnose fruit and crown rot, bacterial angular leaf spot, powdery mildew and Botrytis fruit rot moderate. Fruit: glossy red, tough; large, 24.6 g, secondaries smaller; uniform conical; flesh very firm; flavor good, 7.6% SS, 9.0 meq TA; season early.