Origin: in Geneva, N.Y., by J.C. Sanford, D.K. Ourec, and J.E. Reich, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. NY1221 {[(Tennesee Shipper × Fairfax) × Geneva] × Senga Sengana} × Holiday; cross made in 1969; selected in 1971; tested as NY1324. Plant patent 5897; assigned to Cornell Research Foundation. Tree: Fruit: large, firm, attractive; glossy, bright red; wedge-conic; very flavorful; good for fresh or processed use. Ripens in late midseason. Plants: runner moderately; not quite as productive as Honeoye; hardy, drought-tolerant; open habit with dark green foliage; susceptible to red stele and to Verticillium root rots.