Short-day cultivar adapted to Southern Europe. Origin: CRA-Unità di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura, Forlì, Italy, and Piraccini Secondo, Cesena, Italy by W. Faedi, G. Baruzzi, P. Lucchi and P. Sbrighi. Kilo o.p.; crossed 2004; selected 2006; tested as PIR 04.72.21; EU CPVO No 2013/2784; 4 Nov. 2013. Tree: vigor moderate; yield moderate, 600 g/plant; globose; density medium; flowers at canopy, fruiting trusses; susceptibility to anthracnose fruit and crown rot, angular leaf spot, powdery mildew, and Botrytis fruit rot moderate. Fruit: very glossy red, tough; large, 25.2 g, smaller secondaries; uniform conical; flesh very firm; flavor very good, 8.1% SS, 9.2 meq TA; season early.