Short-day cultivar for southern Italy, adapted to winter planting system using plug plants. Origin: Italian National Project ‘‘Frutticoltura’’, CRA–Unità di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura, Forlì, by W. Faedi, G. Baruzzi, G. Capriolo, F. D’Anna, P. Lucchi, G. Martelli, and C. Mennone. Rosalinda × Demetra; crossed 1999; selected 2001; tested as MT 99.163.22; introd. 2008. Tree: vigorous; high yielding; large; tolerant of heavy soils, drought, temperature variations; tolerant of main soil borne pathogens; tolerant of powdery mildew. Fruit: external and internal bright red; large to very large; shape elongated, uniform; similar or greater firmness than Camarosa; average taste; very early season, similar to Ventana.