Dayneutral cultivar adapted to coastal Central California. Origin: Sweet Darling Sales, Aptos, CA by J. Larse. Parentage unknown; selected at Watsonville, CA; tested as 101983 and LILY; USPP 25,849; 1 Sept. 2015. Tree: vigor strong; stolons very few, 1 daughter/plant; yield high, 122.9 g/plant; upright globose; density medium; fruiting trusses prostrate; resistance to fruit bruising moderate. Fruit: moderately glossy red (RHS 45A), tough; uniformly very large, 30.3 g; slightly irregular conic with snubbed tip; flesh moderately firm, orange-red (RHS 41B) and white (RHS 155C), moderately sweet; achenes below surface; ripens before Albion.