Origin: in Salisbury, Md., by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md., and the Maryland Agr. Expt. Sta., College Park. Released for propagation in 1959; introd. in 1960. Dixieland × Temple; cross made in 1951; selected in 1953; tested as Md-US-2389 from Massachusetts to Virginia and westward, performing satisfactorily in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, Missouri, and eastern Washington. Tree: moderately vigorous; produces many runners; resistant to common race of red stele and should be tested as a red-stele-resistant replacement for Fairland and Temple; leaves somewhat susceptible to leaf scorch, leaf spot, verticillium wilt; productive as grown in narrow matted rows in Beltsville and Salisbury. Fruit: medium to large, maintaining good size during the picking season; shape irregular, medium long conic to blunt conic; skin uniform deep red, tough, glossy; flesh firm, flavor subacid with good dessert quality, satisfactory in frozen pack; ripens in midseason, with Temple and Northwest.