An early ripening, fresh-market strawberry adapted to southwestern Canada and the northeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Origin: in Beltsville, Md. Mdus 4587 × Earliglow; cross made in 1979 by G.J. Galletta; selected in 1981; tested as MDUS 5122; introd. in 1994 by G.J. Galletta, J.L. Maas, J.M. Enns, and A.D. Draper, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Beltsville; A. Dale, Hort. Res. Inst. of Ontario; and H.J. Swartz, Dept of Hort. Univ. of Maryland. Tree: vigorous; medium to tall; dense crowns with many leaves; petioles erect and thick; abundant runners; yields similar to Earliglow in Maryland and less than Veestar in Ontario. Resistant or tolerant to powdery mildew, leaf scorch, leaf blight. Resistant to at least six races of the red stele causal organism. Fruit: medium large; irregular short conic; glossy, deep scarlet exterior, pink interior; flesh juicy but firm texture, skin firm; achenes yellow and recessed; calyx clasping to partially reflexed. Ripens 2 or 3 days before Earliglow in Maryland and before Veestar in Ontario; good shelf life; flavor mild, sweet, and subacidic.