Short-day strawberry adapted to coastal central and southern California. Origin: The University of California, Oakland, CA, by K.D. Larson, D.V. Shaw. Palomar × Cal 1.57-601, crossed 2004; selected near Irvine, CA, 2005; tested as Cal 4.44-603 and C227; USPP 22,589, 20 Mar. 2012. Tree: moderate vigor, medium stolon number, 28 daughter plants; very high yield 2,271 g/plant; flowers at or above canopy, fruiting trusses; moderately resistant to powdery mildew, Verticillium wilt, common leaf spot; tolerant to two-spotted spider mite, local strawberry viruses; moderately susceptible to anthracnose crown rot (C. acutatum); highly susceptible to Phytophthora crown rot. Fruit: dark red (Munsell 5 R 3/7); very large, 36.1 g; short-medium conic; very firm, red (Munsell 5 R 6/11) flesh, outstanding flavor; slightly inset calyx equal to or larger than fruit; inset-surface achenes; season similar to Palomar.