A high-yielding, late-ripening fresh-market strawberry. Origin: in Guelph, Ontario, by J.A. Sullivan and W.D. Evans, Dept. of Horticulture, Univ. of Guelph. OAC 71M59 × OAC 18B34; cross made by W.D.E. in 1972: selected in 1978: tested as 62E55: introd. in 1992. Propagated under royalty agreement between Univ. of Guelph and Ontario propagators. Tree: high yield; vigorous; runners well to produce moderately dense matted row; appears tolerant to herbicide terbacil. Resistant to powdery mildew and leaf scorch; some tolerance to leaf spot but will show symptoms; susceptible to Verticillium wilt; resistant to North American race A-6 and susceptible to race A-5 of the red stele causal organism. Fruit: large; moderately firm with strong skin; glossy red external and uniform red internal color; short wedge to oblate; prominent achenes; good flavor.