Short-day strawberry adapted to coastalcentral and southern California. Origin: University of California, Davis, by D.V. Shaw and K.D. Larson. Camino Real × Ventana, direction unknown; crossed 2000; selected 2001; tested as Cal 0.259-2 and C221; USPP 19,472; 25 Nov. 2008. Tree: vigor similar to Camino Real; extremely high yield, 2,031 g/plant; small, similar in size to Camino Real, more compact than Ventana; moderately resistant to powdery mildew, anthracnose crown rot, and verticillium wilt; moderately susceptible to phytophthora crown rot and common leaf spot; tolerant to strawberry viruses encountered in California; conditional tolerance to two-spotted spider mite; responds well to early winter planting. Fruit: skin similar color to Ventana; very large, 30.2 g; short conic; flesh similar in color to Ventana; calyx weakly attached; achenes yellow to dark red and even with fruit surface; season similar to Camarosa and Camino Real.