Short-day strawberry adapted to southern European areas. Origin: CRA-FRF, Unità di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura, Forlì and Società Piraccini Secondo S.r.l., Cesena, Italy, by W. Faedi and G. Baruzzi. Nora × Ventana; crossed 2004; selected 2006; introd. 2010, CPVO No 20100648; 16 Mar. 2010. Tree: very vigorous; freezer yield greater than Sabrosa-Candonga®; commercial quality similar to Sabrosa-Candonga® under southern Italian conditions; inflorescences level with foliage; long petioles; easy fruit picking; low winter chilling requirement; moderately tolerant to soil borne pathogens; susceptible to botrytis fruit rot and powdery mildew. Fruit: glossy red; large, 30.6 g, larger than Sabrosa-Candonga®; uniform conical, flesh firm, medium-red; sweet; achenes level with surface; early harvest, beginning in late January in Metaponto area, 10–15% production by late March.