A high-yielding, virus-tolerant strawberry adapted to the Pacific Northwest. Origin: in Puyallup, Wash., by P.P. Moore, T.M. Sjulin, and C.H. Shanks, Wash. State Univ. Research Centre. WSU 1945 (complex parentage involving Totem, Linn, and the Del Norte clone of Fragaria chiloenis) × BC 77-2-72 (complex parentage involving Totem, Tioga, Cheam); cross made in 1983 by T.M.S; selected in 1985 by T.M.S. and C.H.S.; tested as WSU 1988. USPP 9310: large size maintained throughout harvest season; moderately firm, glossy medium red external and medium red internal color; conic; recessed achene; calyx easily detached; flavor somewhat acid; adapted to processing; relatively susceptible to postharvest Botrytis rot; susceptible to anthracnose rot. Tree: short-day type; high yield; erect growth habit. Susceptible to leaf scorch; probably resistant to common leaf spot and powdery mildew; susceptible to black vine weevil and to obscure root weevil; reaction to red stele root rot unknown; highly tolerant to aphid-borne virus complex occurring in the Pacific Northwest but susceptible to aphid vector. Fruit: