Origin: in Raleigh, N.C. by North Carolina Agr. Res. Serv. Dept. of Hort. Sci. and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Introd. in 1980. Titan × MdUS 2856. Cross made in 1965 by G.J. Galletta; selected in Willard, N.C., in 1967; tested in North Carolina and Maryland from 1969 to 1979 as NC 3469. Berry: large, comparable to Apollo; flesh firm, like Earlibelle; flavor good; ripens early midseason in Coastal Plains and late season in mountains; susceptible to rotting in spring. Tree: runner moderately, occasionally freely; resistant to leaf spot, leaf scorch, and mites; variable in response to powdery mildew; can be grown in hills or matted rows; excellent yields in second year; culture should be avoided in areas of Coastal Plain where anthracnose is prevalent. Named for Jesse W. Sumner of Rocky Mount, formerly superintendent of several outlying research stations for the North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture. Fruit: