Short-day strawberry primarily suited to processing and adapted to the Pacific Northwest, US. Origin: USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR, by C.E. Finn, P.P. Moore, C. Kempler, B.M. Yorgey, B.C. Strik, and R.R. Martin. Anaheim × Puget Reliance; crossed 1994; selected 1996; tested as ORUS 1790-1; introd. 2009. Tree: more vigorous than Totem; high yield similar to Puget Reliance but less than Tillamook; compact architecture not as open as Tillamook; durable in the field with virus pressure; moderately tolerant of botrytis fruit rot, powdery mildew, common leaf spot, and leaf scorch. Fruit: dark red skin; uniformly medium, similar to or larger than Totem; uniform conic; smooth uniform surface, medium gloss; flesh deep red; good firmness, similar to or better than Totem; medium soluble solids, comparable to Tillamook; pH acceptable, similar to Totem; flavor good; caps very easily; excellent overall processing quality; ripens early midseason with Puget Reliance and slightly before Totem and Tillamook.