Dayneutral cultivar adapted to the central coast of California. Origin: Sweet Darling Sales, Aptos, CA, by J. Larse. 108171 × 108299; selected at Watsonville, CA; tested as 109261. USPP 29,965; 11 Dec. 2018. Tree: vigor moderate to high, stolons adequate, 6 per plant, but none during fruiting; yield high, 744 g/plant; growth habit upright, open; flowers above canopy, fruiting trusses prostrate. Fruit: very large, 30.5 g, 5 cm long × 4.5 cm wide; uniform conic to globose conic; very glossy, vivid red (RHS 44A); flesh vivid red (RHS 44A) with strong red core (RHS 41B); firm; flavor acceptable, 7.5% SS, pH 3.32; calyx small, surface to inset, spreading to slightly reflexed; achenes at surface to inset; ripens March-October.