Short-day strawberry primarily adapted to southern Spain. Origin: Edward Vinson Limited, Kent, UK, by P. Vinson and S. Warren. S03AC11 × S02AG4; crossed 2004; selected 2005; EU PVR applied for. PP22,717, 8 May 2012. Tree: vigorous; high yields; medium to large, dense foliage; inflorescence mostly even and some exposed; very strong anthocyanin coloration of stipules; runner production good; minimal chilling required; susceptible to phytophthora crown rot. Fruit: uniform, tough, glossy bright red skin; large; primarily conical with occasional wedge shapes; bright orange-red flesh; moderate firmness; moderate aroma; high soluble solids, low acidity, pleasant eating experience; slight to moderately expressed hollow center; achenes slightly indented; calyx strongly adhering, slightly smaller diameter than the fruit; ripens midseason.