A productive mid-to late-season June-bearing strawberry, adapted for fresh and processing markets in the Pacific Northwest. Origin: Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada, by C. Kempler and H.A. Daubeny, Pacific Agri-Food Centre, Agassiz of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Sumas × Hapil; cross made in 1986, sel. in 1988, tested as BC86-22-33 and rel. in 1998. Tree: high yields; vigorous; large leaf size; good runner production. Resistant to Pacific Northwest races of red stele causal organism; tolerant to root weevils; susceptible to powdery mildew. Fruit: larger than Totem; conical, irregular and rough in shape; skin medium red, color lighter than Totem; flesh medium red; achenes at surface; flavor good; firmer than Sumas and Totem; for fresh market and freezing; caps well; ripens 3–5 days after Totem.