Short-day strawberry adapted to winter production in Florida. Origin: Florida State Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Florida, by C.K. Chandler. FL 93-103 × FL 95-316; selected 1997–1998 season; USPP 21,558; 7 Dec. 2010. Tree: relatively small, stoloniferous in winter nursery but few stolons in production; moderate to high yield, 570–635 g/plant; globose, medium to dense foliage; flowers below foliage, prostrate fruiting trusses; moderately resistant to botrytis fruit rot and anthracnose fruit rot. Fruit: glossy deep red, Pantone® 1807C; medium to large, 18.2 g; variable asymmetrical shape conic, wedged or oval; flesh orange-red and white, Pantone® 1795C; aromatic, slightly tart; mid-sized attractive calyx; achenes level to above surface; early.